Is Facebook blocking photos it doesn't like?
I posted an album of pictures I knew my family would enjoy on Facebook but wondered when there were zero comments on the album.
I asked my wife if she saw the album and she told me that it doesn't show up in my album list when she goes to my photo albums uploaded to Facebook. Is Facebook blocking the viewing of innocuous photos such as these?
Would the album name "Shooting is Fun" be enough to ban a photo album?
Unreal... this is the world we are transitioning to.
I'll post the photos here and link this to Facebook and see how long it lasts.
I asked my wife if she saw the album and she told me that it doesn't show up in my album list when she goes to my photo albums uploaded to Facebook. Is Facebook blocking the viewing of innocuous photos such as these?
Would the album name "Shooting is Fun" be enough to ban a photo album?
Unreal... this is the world we are transitioning to.
I'll post the photos here and link this to Facebook and see how long it lasts.
d'oh, privacy setting changed and wah-la, it's now viewable... Oh well, it gave me something to freak out about for a short time. Heheh
Posted by Peakah | 9:24 AM