What a Week!

The bones and muscles are sore but my Spirit has been renewed... just walking the grounds of Capitol Hill can do that.
Finally... I can relax in the warmth of home after several days in the dreary weathered Washington DC area. Having had a Manager's Meeting coincide with Tax Day only made life that much more mysterious.
Unfortunately I did not get any chance at all to involve myself in any tax day festivities due to a busy work itinerary. So, I did not attend any of the DC tea parties. However, I intend to post as much info as my hands can handle regarding a very important and relevant groundswell occurring among the silent majority.
...because there is so much significance to this.
If you have a tax day tea party story, or know of one, by all means LET ME KNOW! This is fascinating to me for many reasons. Let me know of sites breaking ground with this event so I can read up for I've had little research time lately.
Some think this whole idea is despicable... that tells you where THEY'RE coming from...
This Video tells quite the story.
Some of the snide comments I remember from various TV coverage, what coverage I was able to absorb in the hotel and airport during that busy day, I found amusing. Unlike the glowing coverage of the Hispanics in the streets waving flags as they encouraged their kids to skip school a couple of years ago.
My assumption is that yesterday's national protest was as large if not larger than that. Not to mention, remarkably more diverse... not to mention more conscious of litter laws and public decency laws... see what happened to Senator Tancredo this week?
Something tells me that this issue is going to be much more powerful than any immigration protestation in the nearby future...
It's apparently large enough for a state to flex some muscle... Something Texans are known to do...
Oh, speaking of Texans... I did get to meet and have a few words with one of my favorite Texans: Marcus Luttrell. Even got a nice photo with him...
Anyway, it's late... got a lot of catching up to do at my store... and will be updating things as I can consolidate them...
Send me your stories and/or links because I want to archive this moment in American History if for nothing else, my children... who are going to bear the greater part of this growing debt's burden.
My man Glen sent me this, the tea party he attended in Jersey.
Insolublog has this fascinating video... "wait for it... wait for it... FREEEEEDOOOOOMMM!!!! (Braveheart Style baby!) Nice.