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Monday, March 23, 2009 

American Bald Eagle on the Hunt with a Wing man

Not sure who gets credit for these photos but wow, they're AWESOME! Here are a series of photos of an American Bald Eagle doing some hunting over a residential pond where I'm assuming is somewhere in the North West USA.

The little duck watches as the Eagle speeds straight at him at about 40 mph.

With perfect timing, the duck always dove and escaped with a mighty splash! Then he'd pop to the surface as soon as the Eagle flew past. This was repeated over and over for several minutes.

Circling the vulnerable prey...

Both Eagles attack at the same instant and fly into each other!! What an amazing photo!

Escape from the lake with soaked wings... a concerned wing man circles.

Not looking very happy, but it's going to dry out and probably get back home.

One Proud and amazing animal... no wonder it's our Country's mascot!

Let us hope we have the same resiliency!

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  • I'm Peakah
  • From White Mountains, Arizona, United States
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