Week in review
Ok, I've been slacking a bit lately so I'm gonna do some hyper-ranting...
Wanna find out how the network channels do with their portrayal of religion in this country (primarily Christianity naturally)? Read this.
In the Homeland Security Department we have this...
Did we dodge a bullet with this guy as our Homeland Security Department head? Perhaps, although I'm willing to bet that he'd be an awesome leader. This background does damn him and will not be allowed to bring down the leadership values the Bush Administration is attempting to portray. Although his background is also reason enough to give him the job.
Oh, and thank heavens a member of the Republican leadership is finally able to stand up and explain to the ignoramuses the reasons for our military's lack of armor.
Doesn't anyone remember the "I voted for the 87 billion dollars before I voted against it" C'mon, you can name that tune in two notes. A non issue drummed up by an ambitious reporter. If it leads to our troops being better armored then it was a good thing. You'll be hard pressed to convince me that the only reason our military will be better armored is because of this "story" because this has been a process in the works since the Bush administration took over!
Now we have the signing into law of the new "Intelligence Overhaul Bill"
Isn't anyone else concerned about the emergence of an "Intelligence Czar"? The fact that the position is referred to with a Russian monicker is creepy enough.
Here's what Jimmy Carter's master negotiating skills that won him a Nobel Peace Prize resulted in. What a joke...
Ok, I'm toast tonight.... I'll be back tomorrow for an update on news and views...
Wanna find out how the network channels do with their portrayal of religion in this country (primarily Christianity naturally)? Read this.
(CNSNews.com) - A new study by a television watchdog group finds that televisions treatment of religion has become increasingly negative and doesn't reflect the viewpoints of a majority of Americans.
In the Homeland Security Department we have this...
In a series of investigative stories, The News disclosed that Kerik broke rules on accepting gifts, developed close ties with an allegedly mob-linked city contractor and maintained a secret downtown apartment for simultaneous extramarital liaisons with two women.
Did we dodge a bullet with this guy as our Homeland Security Department head? Perhaps, although I'm willing to bet that he'd be an awesome leader. This background does damn him and will not be allowed to bring down the leadership values the Bush Administration is attempting to portray. Although his background is also reason enough to give him the job.
Oh, and thank heavens a member of the Republican leadership is finally able to stand up and explain to the ignoramuses the reasons for our military's lack of armor.

U.S. Sen. James M. Inhofe said Thursday that cutbacks during the Clinton administration resulted in the lack of armor and other material faced by U.S. troops in Iraq.
"Eight years of Bill Clinton decimated the military to almost half of what it was in 1990," he said during a stop in Muskogee.
The Oklahoma Republican, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that in 1991, U.S. armed forces were armed with "a Reagan military," and had more funding and ordinance.
However under Clinton, projects were cut and "modernization stopped."
Doesn't anyone remember the "I voted for the 87 billion dollars before I voted against it" C'mon, you can name that tune in two notes. A non issue drummed up by an ambitious reporter. If it leads to our troops being better armored then it was a good thing. You'll be hard pressed to convince me that the only reason our military will be better armored is because of this "story" because this has been a process in the works since the Bush administration took over!
Now we have the signing into law of the new "Intelligence Overhaul Bill"

"Instead of massed armies, we face stateless networks. We face killers who hide in our own cities," Bush said in a somber ceremony in an ornate Commerce Department auditorium where the treaty creating NATO was signed. "To inflict great harm on our country, America's enemies need to be only right once. Our intelligence and law enforcement professionals in our government must be right every single time."
Isn't anyone else concerned about the emergence of an "Intelligence Czar"? The fact that the position is referred to with a Russian monicker is creepy enough.
Here's what Jimmy Carter's master negotiating skills that won him a Nobel Peace Prize resulted in. What a joke...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea could flight test at any time a ballistic missile potentially capable of reaching parts of the United States with a nuclear-weapon-sized payload, the State Department's top arms control official said on Friday.
Ok, I'm toast tonight.... I'll be back tomorrow for an update on news and views...