Weighty Challenge

My bloggin buds Wyatt, RT, Ssssteve, and a few others are challenging themselves and eachother by reporting their weights to eachother and publically monitoring their diets and exercise through their blog sites. RT is even going to mail out prizes (Ho-Ho's and trips to the local chocolatier I hope) to those who display the most progress.
I sat by earlier this summer as I watched their posts while shoveling my head full of chips and salsa (my favorite snack) while washing it down with a Mexican beer... or 4, as they performed the same challenge with eachother and had wonderful results. I figure it's time I join in considering I'm at least 35 lbs over my desired weight. At 5' 10" and now a bit more stocky than I was in my youth I think weighing in at 185 would be ideal.
Right now I'm 218.2 lbs...
So it's time to hold myself accountable for my weight/health. This is new for me for I've always been the smallest person in my class growing up. I had always been athletic, slim, and in excellent health. 10 years of marraige later (and man my wife can COOK!), 5 kids later, and 10,000 barbeques later... things have changed. I've adopted the figure of a pear. Meanwhile my kids are getting older (Tyler will hit double digits in a month and a half) and interested in sports, and I'm getting dusted by my kids on their bikes.
Labor Day we went to the park and I found myself panting while playing baseball... BASEBALL?!? You've got to be kidding me! THERE'S NO PANTING IN BASEBALL!!!

It is on... no excuses, I live right down the street from the town's park with wooded walking trails and it's time I hit 'em each morning. It's time I put away the cerveza and pick up the water bottle. It's time I shrink my eating portions... It's time.
Thanks Wyatt and RT for encouraging me and getting me motivated to be the hot stud my wife fell in love with all over again...
...now, any of you reading this decide to get involved and not be ashamed to proclaim your weight, comment here or at RT's to document weekly progress. It's all good, we're all family here... the upside way outweights the downside of public disclosure, so don't be shy! Let's get to where we need to be together!
Good for you. I've been trying to put whatever I eat on a separate blog--but I keep forgetting to post!
Good luck with your weight loss!
Posted by
miriam sawyer |
12:45 PM
YAY! :)
Good luck, Peakah. Thanks for joining us.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:22 PM
Keep it up, Peak. If I can do it, I know you can.
Weighed in this week at 200. It'll be less next week.
Posted by
Buckaroo Banzai |
5:36 AM
Thanks y'all but I have some terrible habits I need to break. If I can sucessfully break a few of those and replace them with some healthier routines, I should be right back in the shape I need to be in. It is definatelly much easier on us guys than the gals... my wife's hormones determine whether she's going to lose weight or not, thankfully I don't have to deal with that issue. Well, her hormones may put weight on me if I decide to drink more heavily because of them... heheh... kidding hon!
(Phew, that shoe just missed my head)
Weight consciousness was something I never had to deal with so this is a new deal for me but I know with your nagging, I'll do fine.
Posted by
Peakah |
8:20 AM
"(Ho-Ho's and trips to the local chocolatier I hope)"
HA! You guys make it look so fun I almost want to just sit here for a month doing nothing but eating ho-ho's myself just so I can play along.
Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
No, I've been there. Yes, there was a day when I put that leash on the cockapoo for a run and she had to drag me back home, crying, both of us. lol
I wish you all the luck!
Posted by
Uber |
8:38 AM
Man, I'm panting if I walk from the bedroom to the porch! Let alone baseball! I was playing the Xbox online the other night and had the head set on. when one of the KIDS on line said, "Hey, who's the heavy breather!" I realized I was breathing heavy just playing a video game! bleh!! So I too need to get it going and lose this weight!!
Posted by
Ssssteve |
9:49 AM
Hi great rreading your post
Posted by
Bound by Chaos |
6:45 PM