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Saturday, December 17, 2005 

Sunday Open Post Extravaganza

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Yeah, I know it's Saturday, sue me... I've got some work to catch up on so I'm posting my Sunday Open Post a day early.

... but first some linky-love...

If you haven't seen it yet, check out McDonald's new promotion of Bareback... err, Brokeback Mountain presented by the geniuses at Point Five.

Samantha Burns has more McDonald's shenanigans...

Dr. Phat Tony gets all sentimental on us with an excellent Christmas Poem.

Wyatt has his 'twig and berries' checked out... Whether they're still there or not is protected under Doctor/Patient confidentiality...

CUG loads up on the ammo...

David at third world county pimps a book trashing the 'There were no WMD's in Iraq' crap...

Check out the Jihad du Jour at TheReligionOfPeace...

thebaldchick at FreedomFolks has her eyes on the border...

Brian Bonner at The Uncooperative Blogger has some suggestions on how to handle our border problem...

Dr. Hapworth contends that the concept of 'Retirement' is outmoded in today's world...

Diane prepares to launch "Blogger's Without Butts Week"

Stop by Basil's Blog Interviews and leave a question or two for me... my interview is approaching!

...and finally, if you've yet to put your butt on my map... get there!
There's only 25 of you to stalk so far...

The rest is up to you guys... Leave a link to this post and ping me a trackback...
(Harvey explains it all... hint hint D Maria!)

trackback for this post is:

Don't be shy y'all... Other Open Posts:
The Right Nation
Adam's Blog
TMH's Bacon Bits
Basil's Blog
Big Dog's Weblog
bRight & Early
Choose Life
Colbert Report
Common Folk Using Common Sense
Digger's Realm
Don Surber
Jo's Cafe
Oblogatory Ancedotes
Point Five
Right Wing Nation
Stop the ACLU
Stuck on Stupid
Samantha Burns
The Real Ugly American
The Uncooperative Blogger
third world county

Who's linking here:

The Right Nation with: Sleepy Weekend Open Trackback

TMH's Bacon Bits with: Wasps Used for Homeland Security? Buzz Off, PETA!
Of course, this won't past muster with our animal rights folks at all. PETA just will not tolerate our abusing other biologically equal animal species for something insignificant like saving human lives.
Otimaster with: One Republic founded on the mediocrity - Open Trackback Post

The Truckin' Blog with: Florence, KY
It doesn't seem like I have made a lot of progress since my last post. I'm only a couple of miles away from Walton, where I last posted but I have been running.
third world county with: Confessions of a Tightwad
Recently a new "dollar store" opened in America's Third World County. Man! Is it ever busy with Christmas shoppers! Just about every tightwad in America's Third World County can be found there completing their Christmas shopping.
Don Surber with: Person of the Year
This should have been the cover of Time magazine. She was the most important person in 2005, not the three baby boomers it used.
...and also: Bullying A Sick Kid
The antiwar jobs are spooked by those purple fingers. They fear, ohmigod, that there really will be a democracy in Iraq. So they are reduced to jumping on anything military, even little kids.
...and also with: Hoisted on Their Own Petard
Yes, poor Donnie tried to publicize his blog without kissing up to the "big" blogs. But that pissed people off so they changed their rules.
Freedom Folks with both: Christmas Parody Songs
Get 'em while they're hot, folks!
and... Who Voted Mexico into Congress?
The Mexican government slammed the U.S. Congress for approving an immigration bill that would tighten border controls and make it harder for undocumented immigrants to get jobs.
The Business of America is Business with: War Journalist Action Figures
Linda Foley, President of The Newspaper Guild, a union representing media workers, made the following remarks during a speech to the National Conference For Media Reform on May 13, 2005:


Excellent stuff, Peak!
Thanks for the linky-love, too!!!

No Sweat CUG... thanks for becoming one of my regular 'barflys'!

Yeah well I was trying to be polite!

Thanks for the link, Peak, and sorry for the last of visits. It's been a whacky two weeks!

best site

Good sshare

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  • I'm Peakah
  • From White Mountains, Arizona, United States
  • ...this isn't who it would be, if it wasn't who it is...
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