For Bloggin' Outloud!?!
For some strange reason (yeah the check is in the mail) my site was nominated for Bloggin' Outloud's January's Best Political Blogs.
Hey, I'm game... but if I'm going through this contest watch... I'm going to nominate my favorites as well to spread the love! You know who you are...
Go check it out and get involved, Lyn has really made Bloggin Outloud a great community site!
Oh hey, submit stuff to the Bonfire of the Vanities tonight... and especially next week for I am going to host it next week. I'd better see all of you there!
How ever you got there - guess someone had/has good taste!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:15 PM
Your check from me is in the mail. It's really only a coupon for 10% off laser hair removal, but it's the thought that counts.
Seriously, Thank you. You honor me more than I deserve.
Posted by
Rooster Cashews |
8:41 AM
Misery loves company brah, I figured I'd throw a few of ya under the bus with me!
Posted by
Peakah |
9:42 AM
Ah Ha - now what! ;-D Thanks - I think? Ouch - must have been the rear tire rolling over my stomach!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:15 AM
Hey man - or should I say "brothah from anotha mothah" (I just noticed the sidebar-heh) - much love for the nomination! I really appreciate it. So as not to disappoint, I've put up some more bloggy goodness at The Politics of CP just for you...ok, for everybody else too. Keep keepin' it real Peak!
Posted by
CP |
12:08 PM
LMAO!! You and a few others have my vote!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:05 PM
Don't ask me how that came up anonymous... ;)
Posted by
D. Maria |
2:06 PM
Darn, I Just found out I can only vote for ONE...
At least your vote is secured; your blog is the only one listed that I visit on a daily basis.
Posted by
D. Maria |
2:16 PM
Thanks Peakah, I appreciate the nod.
Posted by
Crazy Politico |
2:20 PM
Good to see ya commentin PCP (yikes) I mean PoliticalCP,
DMaria: well, I guess I got this thing wrapped up then... I'll just send you out to sabotage the other sites in my category
CP: you bet bro, Love your posts, like chattin over the paper and a few beers.
Posted by
Peakah |
4:02 PM
Thanks for the nomination,Peakah!
You rock!
Posted by
The Conservative UAW Guy |
5:07 PM