Catch'up Time
I'll be away from the computer (well, at least for blogging) for a couple of days.
I spent all day yesterday in Jury Duty selections. The indispensable prop of Michael Savage's book "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" perhaps swayed court opinion away from having me on the jury...
I've also had flu like symptoms over the last few days (so have a few of the kids) so I haven't done much work and I don't want to fall too far behind. So back on the ball and time to bust some work out.
But first, my wife needs a quiet house to make some sales calls so I'm going to take the two babies (the older three boys are in 1st grade) to the Museum of Natural History where they can ooh and ahh over the dinosaur exhibits.
There's nothing I can post that you haven't already read somewhere so I'm going to take this time to catch up on some things and will be ready to rock later on this week.
I spent all day yesterday in Jury Duty selections. The indispensable prop of Michael Savage's book "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" perhaps swayed court opinion away from having me on the jury...
I've also had flu like symptoms over the last few days (so have a few of the kids) so I haven't done much work and I don't want to fall too far behind. So back on the ball and time to bust some work out.
But first, my wife needs a quiet house to make some sales calls so I'm going to take the two babies (the older three boys are in 1st grade) to the Museum of Natural History where they can ooh and ahh over the dinosaur exhibits.
There's nothing I can post that you haven't already read somewhere so I'm going to take this time to catch up on some things and will be ready to rock later on this week.
"Flu-like symptoms"??
Don't get SICK! Take it from me. The current Bug Du Jour is a killer. Or the "Killer Death Flu from Hell" as I call it.
Posted by
DetroitPatriotette |
8:44 AM
Aw-w, what a good husband and daddy!
Five kids under 7?! I hope you kiss your wife's feet!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:45 AM
Linda don't give too much praise yet. "Taking the kids to the museum" is code for "going to the casino".
Posted by
Dr. Phat Tony |
10:02 AM
Doc's right Lin, Peakahs just slacking! Don't be a Slacker McFly! You know you shouldn't have given us any of your nicknames from Junior high and high school!! ;}
Posted by
Ssssteve |
10:06 AM
Yeah I think I met the "Killer Death Flu from Hell" last week. I wanted to shoot it!
Take it easy and enjoy work...while you still can. :)
Posted by
Uber |
10:08 AM
Feel better Peak - waiting to be "rocked!" Hmmmm Jury Duty - "Great Escape!"
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:12 AM
DP: Bug Du Jour has been rompin on us for a month now... coming and going... I still can't shake the cough! Just another winter season in our house.
linda: her feet aren't all I kiss hon.
DPT: damn you, can't ya keep the trap zipped?
Ssssteve: hey, I ain't skeered... bring the noize baby!
Uber: enjoy work? uhhh, ok.
chrys: it was a great escape from the house only to be thrown into the pit of freaks that are the Vegas citizenry... yikes... I'd rather be home with snot-stained kids runnin wild! I feel more at home in my own little loony bin.
Posted by
Peakah |
12:36 PM
Obviously! (I meant it more in an I'm not worthy way!)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:53 PM
I figured it was obvious that I'm not worthy of my Queen but I fake it by kissing her all over... even her feet...
Ok, where is this post going???
Posted by
Peakah |
12:59 PM
I think we get the picture! Now go throw some cold water in your face!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:08 PM
Posted by
Peakah |
2:25 PM
HOpe you feel better, bro!
Posted by
The Conservative UAW Guy |
6:20 PM
Get well soon to you and your family. Or . . . if you want to have some fun with it you could always call CNN and tell them you and your kids just caught the bird flu. The reaction would be hilarious in a twisted sort of way.
Oh yeah, if CNN won't bite just call Dan Rather. I hear he likes to run fraudulent stories.
Posted by
Daniel Levesque |
6:24 PM
At least you don't make them play on the highway like I had to. Hope you feel better soon.
Posted by
Rooster Cashews |
7:31 AM
Get better soon, chief. And by "get better," I mean I hope you win big at Bally's!
Posted by
Buckaroo Banzai |
7:50 AM
Hope you and the family have a great weekend!
Posted by
D. Maria |
4:09 PM
See what happens when you give up the bar, and immerse yourself in civic duty?
You get sick over the whole thing.
Other good picks:
Slander - Ann Coulter
Scalia Dissents - by the one and only.
Posted by
Insolublog |
8:06 PM
If you are still enduring jury selection, along with the Michael Savage book, may I suggest a few accessories for your wardrobe to expedite their decision making about you... A big lapel button with a picture of one of the following: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, or Dick Cheney, possibly a button that says, I heart NRA or Wayne LaPierre. Any combination of 2 would be considered appropriate and "fashionable." More than 2 would be considered "over the top" and a "fashion faux pas".
Seriously, Josh, I hope you are feeling better and hope we hear from you soon.
Posted by
Cathy |
4:25 PM
I think I'm suffering from PP (Peakah's Provocations)withdrawal... ;)
Posted by
D. Maria |
5:29 PM
Wow, thanks y'all...
Unbelievably my wife and I are still battling the flu bug...
I've also been helping a local flower shop deliver the bazillions of flower orders that have been coming in the last couple days for Valentines Day...
Today's sure to be a huge flower delivery day as well so I'll be gone all day today as well.
Basil has emailed the list of questions that you all submitted for the blog interviews and when I get some time to relax in the blogosphere for a while, I'll be getting that put together.
Thanks for the nice words you guys, that's so cool.
Posted by
Peakah |
8:28 AM
Get well Brah!!
Posted by
Ssssteve |
4:53 PM
So, you're like the Valentine fairy, huh? Hope you're not spreading flu germs with those flowers! ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:39 PM
Just HI! May everything be running smoothly for you or repaired very soon! Be Well. See ya when you arrive - time of your choice - time life commitments permit - time family can spare. You were on a "roll" - it WILL "roll" back in due time!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:36 PM
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
» »
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:02 AM