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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 

The 'Hands-On' Governor

Mr. Richardson, I know Bill Clinton and you're no Bill Clinton!

From FreeNewMexican.com:
"He pokes me," Denish said when confronted about photos taken of Richardson and her at an appearance in Bernalillo in late October. "He pinches my neck. He touches my hip, my thigh, sort of the side of my leg."

Denish told The Journal, "I try not to put myself in that situation, trying not to stand or sit next to him."

Denish and Richardson sat by each other Monday at a meeting of the state Board of Finance in the governor's Cabinet Room.

Dealing with Richardson's touching and poking "is one of the challenges of this governor," Denish told The Journal... "He has a lot of good qualities and this is one of the challenges."

The article said, "When he's doing it in these public environments, I have chosen not to embarrass him by not doing anything blatant about it publicly... I don't think I should embarrass him."
That's right Diane or else feel the wrath of the Big Richard- son.

Hey you, in the front row... you see dis hand?

This should propel him to the top of the list of potential Democratic front-runners for President in '08...

...as seen at the Carnival of Comedy hosted by the man, the myth, the legend, FrankJ at IMAO... A huge Congrats out to FrankJ and SarahK for their recent nuptials!! Yo, the bail money is in the mail...


Yeah, that may disqualify him from the presidential race alone. Could you imagine the POTUS with a bad rug?? Talk about loss of credibility!

The interesting thing is that Bill Richardson is by far the most viable democratic candidate for President in 'o8. If the way liberals looked the other way for Bill Clinton is any indicator this particular habit of his will not harm his chances of winning the nomination one bit.

As for the general election . . . We'll just have to see who the Republicans put up. This guy could easily whip any RINO. So will we put up a RINO, or a true conservative? Time will tell.


Josh, I'm leaving to spend Christmas with the family. Just wanted to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!!

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